Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Geographic Location and Features


  1. 1) 385,252 square miles
    2) Mostly covered in mountains
    3) Grooves were cut into the ground by ice age
    4) Ground made of granit and gnesis
    5) Climate varies greatly

    Taylor DB

  2. #1: Mostly has mountain terrain.
    #2: Has many islands and fjords.
    #3: Norway is slightly bigger than Germany but as I said in #1, it has mountain terrain.
    #4: Its capital, Oslo, is the largest city in the state of Norway.
    #5: It's located in the west Scandinavia.
    #6: It shares a 2,542 km border with two other countries, Sweden and Finland.
    #7: From the south and west, it's bordered by the Norwaygien Sea, North Sea, and the Skargerak.
    #8: Contains many waterfalls and glaciers.
    #9: From May to July the sun never sets on the norther part since its so close to the Artic Circle.
    #10: It has over 83,000 km of islands and fjords.

    Cory DB Go NY Giants

  3. 6) Rains more than expected for a place so far north
    7) 2nd in environmental preformance
    8) Average temperature is rising

    Taylor DB

  4. kiss

    1.Geographic Location -Placed at the North Europe, Norway includes the west part of Scandinavian Peninsula. It has borders with Atlantic Ocean at west and south, North Arctic Ocean at north. Sweden, Finland and Russia are the border neighbors.
    2.Geographic Coordinates -62 00 N, 10 00 E
    3.Climate-While the north regions are ender the effect of a cold climate the coastline parts and south regions realize a mild climate. From coast to midlands; dry and hot summers and excessively cold winters are realized. Winter (December-March) is long and too cold. This condition results in a huge population of winter sports enthusiasts.
    4.Norwey is the country of mountains, glaciers and fjords.
    5.The Scandinavian Mountains is the most defining feature of the country.
    6.The southern Skagerrak and North Sea coast is the lowland south of the mountain range, from Stavanger in the west to the western reaches of the outer part of the Oslo fjord in the east.
    7.The land west of the mountains (corresponding to Vestlandet north of Stavanger) is more dominated by the mountain chain, as the mountains goes all the way to the coast, albeit gradually becoming lower towards the coast.
    8.The land north of Dovre (corresponding to Trøndelag except Røros) comprises a more gentle landscape with more rounded shapes and mountains, and with valleys congregating on the Trondheim fjord, where they open up and forms a larger lowland area.
    9.Glaciated; mostly high plateaus and rugged mountains broken by fertile valleys; small, scattered plains; coastline deeply indented by fjords; arctic tundra only in the extreme northeast (largely found on the Varanger Peninsula).
    10.Frozen ground all-year can also be found in the higher mountain areas and in the interior of Finn mark county.
    *A fjord is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, created in a valley carved by glacial activity.

  5. Coolio Bob

    1 Capital is Olso
    2 Norway is 148,746 sq mi
    3 It is 7% water
    4 Norway is the western part of Scandinavia
    5 Has thousands of islands
    6 Land mostly made f hard granite or gneiss
    7 Borers SWeden, Finland, and Russia
    8 Has lots of glaciers and waterfalls
    9 Due to it's northern latitued it has a great seasonal change in sunlight
    10 Most of Norway is above the Artic Circle
